Lease for, ­­                             , Dayton, OH 45409



Brenda and Leo Upham/Leo’s Quality Student Rentals, LLC, (here after referred to as landlords) does hereby lease the dwelling at                       , Dayton, Ohio 45409 to the students/person(s) (here after referred to as tenants) listed below.  This rental agreement is from _August       , 2026(see note below)_ to 6:00 p.m. on May   , 2027 (see note below).  Beginning and end dates of lease stated above are based on University of Dayton preliminary dates and may change based on any revisions by the University of Dayton.  As of current time, the University of Dayton has not established dates for the move in/move out for 2026 2027 school year.  As these dates are established, they will be inserted on the lease (typically move in the Saturday or Sunday before the start of classes in August of 2026, and move out the Friday evening before graduation Sunday the first week of May 2027).



The tenants agree to pay the landlords as rent for said premises during said term $              per tenant/per semester payable on or before _July 01, 2026 (first semester) and $                per tenant/per semester payable on or before January 1, 2027 (second semester).  Mail all payments to Leo’s Quality Student Rentals, LLC, 6851 California School Rd., Eaton, OH 45320.  A $25.00 per day late fee will be charged for rent more than three days late.  If less than _  tenants reside at this residence, the rate shall be held to       tenants at the $            per tenant/per semester rate.  If a tenant does not occupy the premises for one or both semester(s) during the above stated lease term, tenant is responsible for the funds for the semester(s) when he or she is not occupying the premises; unless a tenant is found that is suitable to all the other co-tenants, signs this lease, and pays the above stated semester(s) rent and security deposit.  Tenants agree and understand that they are jointly and severally liable for all the terms of this Agreement. 



The sum of $  1,000.00   per tenant is hereby deposited with owners as security and damage deposit.  Deposit is non-refundable in the following events:

1)                If the premises are damaged by the tenants or guests of the tenants, deposit will be used

to cover such damages.

2)                If the tenants fail to pay rent for any portion of the agreed rental period.

3)                If the tenants vacate the premises prior to the end of the term as set forth. 

4)            Keg parties are prohibited and are cause for immediate termination of the lease.

At end of lease, deposit shall be returned minus any damage(s) or missed rent payments, carpet cleaning fee, and cleaning fee.  A cleaning fee will come out of deposits; each home is cleaned after each lease period has ended.  On homes with carpet, a carpet cleaning fee will come out of deposits, the carpets are cleaned after each lease period has ended.  Deposit shall be returned after all keys are returned and landlords have had the opportunity to inspect the premises.  If a forwarding address is not provided, payment of the balance of the security deposit and/or list of debits is expressly waived until thirty (30) days after the forwarding address is given in writing.  In order to secure performance by tenants under this agreement, tenants shall each pay a security deposit of the amount listed above.  The security deposit shall be paid concurrent with the execution of this agreement.  Tenants agree that the Security Deposit is less than one month’s periodic rent, and therefore no interest shall accrue on this deposit nor be paid by landlord.



The premises are to be occupied by those tenants listed below and tenants are not to sublet all or any part of the premises.  Tenants may not assign this lease or sublet the premises.



Tenants will keep the premises (dwelling, including front and back porches, and lawn) in a clean, neat, and orderly condition; free of trash and other nuisances.  Tenants shall at the end of the lease deliver up the premises in as good a condition as it was in at the time of occupancy, including overall cleanliness, less normal wear and tear.  Tenants are also responsible for and agree to pay for damages done by wind or rain entering from windows or doors left open and by overflow of water or stoppage of waste pipes due to tenant neglect.  Tenants are responsible for the behavior and conduct of all people visiting the tenants in the leased property.  It is the tenants’ responsibility to make sure these individuals behave in a manner that will not disturb the quiet enjoyment of the neighbors.  Tenants agree not to change locks or install additional locking devices without written permission of owners.  Tenants agree to quiet time at and after 10:00 p.m. each evening.  Tenants also agree that if one or more tenants do not occupy the premises for a semester during the lease period stated above, the remaining tenants shall have final say on bedroom arrangements for that time period.  On homes with landlord provided security cameras and systems installed, tenants shall not knowingly disable cameras, related recording devices, or disconnect the internet connection to the recording system.  Tenants are responsible for spreading salt and shoveling snow from the steps and porches of the leased property.





All our tenants are required to sign our current lease addendum at the time of the signing of the lease.  By signing of the lease addendum, tenants agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the lease addendum.



Tenants and tenants’ guests are prohibited from storing, using, selling, manufacturing, or distributing illegal drugs.  Beds are provided for each tenant by the landlord(s) and no additional beds or bedding or futons are allowed to be brought in by tenants.  Inoperable automobiles or other vehicles are not permitted on the leased property or designated parking areas.  Tenants agree not to have any pets or animals of any kind on the property.  Tenants agree not to smoke any type of cigarettes, cigars, or pipes inside the property.  Tenants agree not to have any open fires or flames inside or outside on the property.  Tenants agree not to have weapons or firearms of any kind on the property, including “BB” guns.



Tenants agree to report to the landlords promptly any need for repairs to the premises.  ALL REPAIRS MUST BE REPORTED TO LANDLORD(S).  ALL NEEDED REPAIRS WILL BE COMPLETED BY LANDLORD(S) OR LANDLORD(S) ASSISGNED REPAIRMEN.  Tenants will permit landlords or repairmen to enter the premises at all reasonable times to examine the premises and to make any repairs.


Damage to this or neighboring properties, caused by tenants, will be repaired immediately upon discovery and landlords will have the option to have the cost billed to tenants at time of repair(s).  If the cost of repairs is billed at time of repairs; tenants will have ten days to pay for these repairs.  A lease violation notice may also be issued.  Landlords also has the option of billing the repairs at the end of the lease term out of deposit.



Outside maintenance/lawn mowing will be performed on all our homes on a weekly to bi-weekly basis.  Co-tenants understand that landlord(s) do not provide twenty-four-hour notice of said maintenance.  Maintenance is performed to comply with City of Dayton Housing Codes.  As stated on our lease addendum, all debris left in the lawn past 7:00 a.m. will be subject to a fine for pickup/cleanup by our maintenance crews.



Landlords shall not be responsible for the loss of damage to any of the tenants’ property from any cause whatsoever.  If the premises are partially destroyed by fire or other casualty, repairs shall be made by the landlord as quickly as reasonably possible.  In the case the damage shall be so extensive as to render the premises uninhabitable; the lease shall abate until the premises are repaired.  If the premises are partially or wholly destroyed or damaged as to require rebuilding and the landlord decides not to rebuild; then upon giving the tenants three days’ notice of intent not to rebuild, this lease shall be terminated.  If damage to premises is determined by an independent agency to have occurred through negligence by the tenants or their guests, the tenants will be held responsible for all damages.



Any personal property, including furniture, appliances, clothing, jewelry or other items, left in or about the leased property after the termination of the lease (whether by expiration or termination for default) shall be considered abandoned.  Landlords are expressly authorized to remove such property and to dispose of it in any manner landlords wish.  Tenants waive any claim for reimbursement for or restitution of any such property.  Again, all personal property must be removed from property by move out date and time.


______________________________________________________________________  Co-Tenants initials regarding removal of all personal property by move out date/time.



Tenants agree to pay 100% of all utility charges (electricity, water, gas, cable television, trash, and internet, etc.) for said lease period.  The electric and gas utilities will need to be switched over into a tenant’s name on the first day that the first tenant in your group moves in.  For any day the electric and gas utilities are not switched over after the first move in date mentioned above, a $25 per day fee shall be incurred until the utilities are switched over into a tenant’s name.  If one or more tenants do not occupy the premises during the above stated lease period, they can be held responsible for a portion of the utility costs for the time they are not occupying the premises.  Under no circumstances will the landlord(s) pay for any utility during the term of this lease.  During lease term, if landlord(s) receive water, gas, or electric shutoff notices, landlord(s) reserve the option to pay these bills; and take the cost of the bill and a $75.00 surcharge out of the security deposit. 




Some of our homes have off street parking (parking pads) for our tenant’s use.  Our lot at the corner of Jasper and Rubicon has a gravel strip in the back that can accommodate overflow parking.  While landlord(s) do not charge additional for this parking, we do reserve the right to occasionally use the parking pads behind our properties.  Landlord(s) will give proper notice to tenants when landlord(s) intend to use the parking pad behind their property.  Landlord use will not exceed two consecutive days per occurrence.  At no time, shall any tenant be allowed to charge monies to another for the use of parking on the parking pad behind their property or on landlord(s) lot on the corner of Jasper and Rubicon.



On our homes with carpeting, tenants will be subject to a carpet-cleaning fee to come out of their deposit at end of lease period.

Tenants will be subject to a cleaning fee.  Determination of the amount of the cleaning fee will be based on our cost, and is the right and responsibility of the landlords.  Tenants will be held responsible for the cost to repair appliances if the repair is due to tenant neglect (examples include cell phones, clothing items flushed down toilets, laundry detergent used in dishwasher).  Tenants will be subject to a lawn cleaning fee for picking up beer bottles and other debris left on the lawn, sidewalks, and parking spaces of leased property.  Determination of the need for a lawn cleaning fee will be the right and responsibility of the landlords.




If the lease is broken by any tenant, the tenant owes to landlords:

  1. All rent and additional charges permitted by this lease;
  2. Tenant’s security deposit;
  3. All court costs, attorney’s fees, collection agency fees, sheriff fees, moving and storage costs, plus other expenses that landlords have to pay; and
  4. The cost of repairing and replacing any damage to the premises caused by the tenant.



The landlords reserve the right to terminate this agreement when the tenants, through their conduct, fail to maintain a good environment on the premises, violate any civil law, or through any improper conduct on the part of the tenants cause excessive damage to the premises.  Upon vacation or abandonment of the premises, the landlords may remove any personal property found therein and dispose of it without liability.  If the tenants should fail to pay the rent when due, or fail to comply with any other provision of this lease, it will be the landlords’ option to take possession of the premises, remove and /or change locks, cut off all utilities without notice to tenants, and request immediate payment of all future rent due.  Costs incurred by the landlords in enforcing this lease shall be paid by tenants.




In consideration of the rents and covenants herein stipulated to be paid and performed by tenants, the landlords listed above hereby let and lease unto said tenant(s) the premises previously described.





                                                                                          Landlord’s/Agent’s Signature/Leo’s Quality Student Rentals, LLC

I (we) accept the terms described above and agree to pay the contract rates.  By co-signing parents are agreeing that they are responsible for any rent not paid by their student and for any damages caused to the home or premises in excess of security deposit.  Lease is not considered valid until all landlord, parent and student signatures are affixed to this document.

Signature of Tenants:                                                                             Signature of Parents:



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Leo’s Quality Student Rentals, LLC

6851 California School Road

Eaton, Ohio 45320

(937) 456-7743